Be it any surgery, whether a Hair Transplant or any other cosmetic surgery, what we expect is nothing but good results. When we opt for cosmetic procedures, our expectations are usually high. Hair Transplantation is no different. Most of the times, The procedure offer positive results. However, you must have come across failed hair transplantation cases or unsatisfied patients who had hair transplantation done in the past.
This article aims to bring out the most common reasons for the failure of hair transplantation and unsatisfactory results after hair transplantation.
1. Unrealistic expectations
2. Inexperienced surgeon
3. Inadequate post-transplant care
4. Not an ideal candidate for transplant
Hair transplantation is a restorative procedure to camouflage bald areas. A limited number of grafts are available from the donor area of the scalp, so there are limitations in terms of area of coverage and density (fullness) that can be achieved with hair transplantation. We create an “illusion of density” by placing grafts in an artistic manner.
in Ahmedabad and many others in India have lot many new centers offering hair transplantation services. Neither they are certified doctors, nor do they understand the meticulous methods involved in FUE and DHT techniques. Techniques transplants as an “add-on” service rather than a specialty that requires experience and skill.
Hairline designing, setting realistic expectations of patients, safe extraction from donor areas, and careful and natural implantation of grafts require years of experience.
Strict sterile precautions during and after the procedure are very important to avoid any kind of infection after the procedure. Also, detailed aftercare should be followed.
Although hair transplantation is an excellent solution for baldness, not everyone is a suitable candidate. Estimation of a “safe donor area” is very important to get long-term results determining the type of Hair loss is a very important factor, before deciding on hair transplantation. Your doctor should be able to evaluate your medical history, and probable reasons behind Hair loss, look into possible future Hair loss, and plan long-term treatment for you.
At some clinics, unlicensed non-professionals are practicing Hair transplants against the law, but still happens rampantly. So it’s essential to do your research ahead of time.
If you are considering a hair transplant procedure, your first step is to “educate yourself about the treatment”
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